Archive for the ‘Agile’ Category

Full Cycle Teams in a FDA regulated setting

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Full Cycle DevelopersThe 200X hot topic was Agile development in a FDA regulated setting. Over a decade later this should (hopefully) be a settled issue. I can’t imagine anyone still doing water-fall these days. The new challenge for medical device companies is implementing Full Cycle Teams (FCTs), which is well described in Full Cycle Developers at Netflix — Operate What You Build.

This organizational structure increases the speed of feature delivery and allows for experimentation to further improve the customer experience. Tooling and automation ("paved roads") are key. The model that Netflix came up with:

"Full cycle developers" is a model where a development team, equipped with amazing developer productivity tools, is responsible for the full software life cycle: design, development, test, deploy, operate, and support.

If you work for a large enough enterprise, you likely have teams of people that provide the following functions:

  • Product development (creates and designs applications software and includes architects, product owners, and scrum masters)
  • Quality assurance (QA). They test the software. For a medical device company, we call this team Verification and Validation (V&V)
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Ensures scalability and reliability of the infrastructure and applications. They do performance testing and may implement some Chaos engineering techniques.
  • Development operations (DevOps). Manage the code repositories, shared development tools, CI/CD pipelines, middleware, databases, etc.
  • Infrastructure management (on-prem hardware and operating systems)
  • Cloud management (same as above,  but in the cloud)
  • Applications support (monitor and manage applications in production)

Do not confuse FCTs with "Full Stack Teams" (see Full Stack Pronounced Dead). This "stack" refers to technologies that are used to implement a typical web-based application (e.g. LAMP).

FCTs are about supporting functionality end-to-end (product idea to production), but both have the challenge of developer specialization in common. A FCT has to broaden their skill-set even further to include application/infrastructure deployment, monitoring, and support. This is the future!

Full Cycle Team Challenges for Medical Device Companies

The transformation from a legacy organization (as described above) to FCTs is made even more challenging for a medical device company creating software that has to maintain FDA regulatory controls (see Quality System Regulation Subpart C–Design Control § 820.30).

Below is a list of regulatory and transition considerations that impact the release process. Most are associated with keeping the Design History File (DHF) documentation up-to-date. The organizational challenge in a FCT world is figuring out who is responsible for these tasks.

Spoiler alert: The suggested answers should be obvious, but many times the best I can do is just ask the question. Every organization, and even different teams within a single organization, will have different solutions. These can be tough problems to solve. Don't shoot the messenger!

Medical Device Data System (MDDS)

Not all of your software may be under FDA Class II/III regulatory controls. Some could fall under MDDS, see Identifying an MDDS. There is still some risk associated with MDDS but special controls and premarket approval -- the 510(k) -- are not necessary (see MDDS Rule).

MDDS software requires the same QMS documentation (see MDDS Section VI-E. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP)/QS Regulation/MDR Compliance of the rule) so most of the items listed here still apply.

Also, see Comment 25 from the rule which addresses "modular software". I.e mixing MDDS components with medical device components. The response says "The MDDS regulation does not necessarily prevent modular implementation.", but the FDA can't make a "generalized determination" on the various ways these combinations may be made. This may be a situation you run into and the FDA suggests it is best to contact them if you have questions.

Validation and Verification

General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff (PDF)

Based on the intended use and the safety risk associated with the software to be developed, the software developer should determine the specific approach, the combination of techniques to be used, and the level of effort to be applied. While this guidance does not recommend any specific life cycle model or any specific technique or method, it does recommend that software validation and verification activities be conducted throughout the entire software life cycle.

FDA guidance documents, and FDA regulations in general (e.g. IEC 62304), tell you what to do, but leave the how up to the organization.  

Let's highlight the SRS* to System test verification from the V-model. This is essentially end-to-end testing. In a microservice-based architecture, each FCT is likely responsible for different sets of services. These services may be dependent on the services provided by other teams.

Which team is responsible for ensuring that the entire system is functioning properly (i.e. end-to-end test protocols and results) after changes are made to one or more of these services?

In an ideal world, these end-to-end tests are completely automated, but even then someone still needs to maintain them.

Validation testing (was the right product built?) presents even more challenges as a single FCT is may only be responsible for a small portion of the entire product.

Risk analysis

From Medical Device Design Risk Management Basic Principles:

Risk analysis is typically done by a cross-functional team that may span multiple business units, but it is probably not unreasonable for the FCT Product Owner to drive this process and get the documentation updated as needed.


From the FDA guidance:

A source code traceability analysis is an important tool to verify that all code is linked to established specifications and established test procedures.

Creating this documentation is well suited for automation. It still requires ensuring that all requirements and related test scenarios are properly tagged so they can be parsed to produce a release report.

Software Design Evidence

From the FDA guidance:

The Quality System regulation requires that at least one formal design review be conducted during the device design process. However, it is recommended that multiple design reviews be conducted (e.g., at the end of each software life cycle activity, in preparation for proceeding to the next activity).

This is a challenge for any Agile-based development process so is not specific to the FCT-based organization. Running formal design reviews as early in the development process as possible should be a team responsibility.

Manual Approval Gates

For many unregulated software products continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) is a reality. I.e. Code can be pushed, run through the CI/CD pipelines, and delivered to customers without human intervention.

It is very unlikely (not impossible though I suppose, depending on the product) that this would occur for FDA-regulated software. Even with automated document generation, software deployment to production will still require human sign-off steps and audit trails.

Off-The-Shelf (OTS) Software

OTS/SOUP Software Validation documentation needs to be kept up-to-date. This is mostly a book-keeping exercise for OTS/SOUP that is part of the software product. For tools though, see OTS/SOUP Software Validation Strategies.

Another consideration to keep in mind for including 3rd party software into your product is the software license. The corporate (legal) policy should dictate license requirements, but teams would be aided by an automated tracking process.


Installation, operational, and performance qualification -- IQ/OQ/PQ. FDA regulated software must have these processes in place to ensure that after any changes are made, the infrastructure continues to meet quality requirements.  With the microservice architecture becoming a best practice, the team would now be responsible for documenting the IQ/OQ/PQ for their particular microservice or container flavor(s).

Cloud Offerings

Serverless architectures (Note: I'm most familiar with AWS, so will use their cloud products as examples. Azure and GCP have similar offerings.) One of the key advantages of the LambdaFargate, RDS, and similar managed/SaaS products is their undifferentiated heavy lifting.  AWS is responsible for the care and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure and servers. For on-prem servers, this is something the organization spends significant time and money on, but these expenditures do not directly benefit the customer.  Serverless allows companies to focus their efforts on things that make a difference to their customers.

How do you ensure IQ/OQ/PQ quality when you don't have control over the servers that are running your application(s)?

Another consideration: Teams will need to take regulatory impact into consideration when selecting new cloud technologies.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

The use of IaC (e.g. CloudFormation or Terraform) may require new release cycle processes. I.e since this code is not part of the application, you may want to have a separate release cycle for when the infrastructure is updated. The same is true for container (Docker) code updates.

The FCT should be responsible for the IaC associated with their product as it directly impacts both functionality and performance.


When thinking about transforming to a FCT-based organization, the 2019 AWS re:invent keynote by Andy Jassy comes to mind. His "transformation" is referring to migrating from on-premise to cloud infrastructure (AWS, of course), but I think the non-technical transformation recommendations he outlines (start: 5:04 end 11:48) are also applicable to the FCT organizational change:

I think aggressive goals (item #2) is particularly important. Legacy organizations have a lot of inertia that needs to be overcome in order to move things forward. Breaking those initial barriers is even more difficult when you're having to deal with regulatory requirements.

Bottom Line

FDA regulatory requirements add tasks and documentation to the software release process. This has always been the case for medical device companies, but how this additional work is managed when trying to implement full-cycle teams can be a complicated problem to solve.

Just like unregulated development, providing the tooling to automate these tasks is the key to allow teams to deliver quality software to customers more quickly.


*SRS, Software Requirements Specification. The old-school water-fall requirements document. I don't miss those days!

Agile Software Development in Regulated Environments

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

As part of a series on High Assurance Agile Development in Regulated Environments is the article
Agile Software Development in Regulated Environments Example: Medical Devices. The purpose of this article and future posts is to introduce the FDA regulatory landscape and then

... see what we can do to “agilify” our practices under these standards as we move forward.

It's been three years since I wrote Agile development in a FDA regulated setting.  I'll be interested to see if the application of "agile, high assurance activities" in this environment -- and the associated issues -- have changed since then.

UPDATE (10/23/10): Can and should agile be used for medical device development? Absolutely!

UPDATE (11/27/10): More discussion here: Can Agile Software Methods be used in medical device software development?

UPDATE (11/28/10): Agile Medical Device Software Development?

UPDATE (12/17/10): GE Healthcare Goes Agile

UPDATE (1/5/11): Missed this one: Four Reasons Medical Device Companies Need Agile Development

The Software Quality Balancing Act

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Andrew Dallas's article Caution: V&V May Be Hazardous to Software Quality touches on a number of good points regarding software quality best practices.

Medical device software development V&V (also see here) and the documentation that goes with it have substantial costs. Any strategy that can reduce this overhead and still meet the necessary quality standards should be seriously considered.

The use of "incremental" software development approaches really refers to Agile methodologies.  I've talked about the use of Agile for medical device software development several times:

Most of the discussion revolves around the risks associated with this approach. The benefits of any process change have to be weighed against the possible risks that might be introduced.

Besides the importance of understanding what V&V documentation the FDA actually wants to see, Andrew makes a great point about producing quality software versus the V&V process (my highlight):

V&V is not software testing. Verification testing ensures specified requirements have been fulfilled. Validation testing ensures that particular requirements for a specific intended use can be consistently fulfilled.

Following the required FDA V&V processes alone is not sufficient to ensure software quality. You also have to adhere to software development best practices at all levels. For example, in addition to non-functional requirements there are many software quality factors that require careful design considerations and testing that you may decide are outside the scope of FDA reporting.  Deciding what to report and what to leave out is the balancing act.

The Desperate Need for Simplicity

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

Ted Neward's article "Agile is treating the symptoms, not the disease" touches on several important points about the software industry.

  • Modern software development tools and technologies require a significant learning curve.
  • Development methodologies (like Agile) exist for managing complexity, but do not reduce the load of these technologies.
  • In the last decade there has been no "Next Big Thing", like Access was in the 90s.

What's most interesting to me is:

We are in desperate need of simplicity in this industry. Whoever gets that, and gets it right, defines the "Next Big Thing".

What's true in the broader software world is also generally true in Healthcare IT.  In HIT there has never been an Access equivalent, just a lot of pieces and parts trying unsuccessfully to work together.

The need was touched on in Liberate the Data!.  Simplicity is desperately needed in order to create the "First Big Thing" for HIT interoperability.

UPDATE (10/14/09):  More commentary:

Agile Stumbling?

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

James Shore has an interesting post, The Decline and Fall of Agile, that has generated a lot of good discussion over the last couple of weeks.

I've seen a shift in my business over the last few years.

I can't disagree with the assessment of James' own business trends (or his colleagues) . But I have to wonder how well his anecdotal sample extrapolates to the rest of the Agile industry?  Without some real numbers to back it up, how can he claim that Agile is either declining or will fail?

But those hundreds of successes will be drowned out by the thousands of failures.

That statement isn’t evidence of a trend; it’s a prediction of the future based to how he happens to be feeling right now. It would be nice if James (or anyone else) could provide some real evidence that the Agile movement is actually in decline -- or at least it's success rate relative to the alternatives, e.g. Waterfall.

Some more views on this are here:
James Shore: The Decline and Fall of Agile
Thoughts on the Decline and Fall of Agile
The Decline and Fall of Agile and How Scrum Makes it Hurt More

These are valuable discussions for developers and managers that don't have direct personal experience with Agile methodologies but might be considering using them in the future.  It's clear (to me anyway) that when it comes to software development management, the process is a difficult one no matter what path you take.

Software Development: Driven by what?

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

First a definition:

driv·en –adjective

  1. : having a compulsive or urgent quality
  2. : propelled or motivated by something — used in combination <results-driven>

Driven software development methodologies abound:

Many of these are encompassed by the iterative Agile software development methodologies. Collectively they are sometimes referred to as the XDD acronyms. As you might expect, these along with all of the other competing, contrasting, and overlapping development philosophies can cause a software developer much consternation. Confessions of a Software Developer* is a good example of the overload that can occur.

My reason for bringing up driven methodologies is not to complain about being overwhelmed by them (which, like most others, I am). It's simply to point out the contradiction of X-Driven with the Merriam-Webster definition. I think this will help us better understand what should really be driving us.

Look closely at definition #2. Propelled or motivated by something ... results-driven. What is that something? Ah ha!

The fundamental motivation for all of these development approaches is to:

Improve productivity and quality.

This is the result, the goal. Behavior, Model, Test, etc. are all just the means by which we are trying to achieve this desired result. It's the result that we're driven towards, not the methods and techniques we use to get there.

So, in order to make this distinction clear and to eliminate confusion in the future, I propose that all these methodologies be renamed from Driven to Guided. Think of them like you would a GPS system in your car, except these will allow you to find software Nirvana. TDD is now TGD, and the whole lot is known as XGD.

The point here is that you should not let any particular development philosophy blind you to what the real purpose of using it is in the first place. Being guided by a methodology helps me remember that better than when I'm driven by it. Also, the whole concept of being driven seems exclusionary to me. You shouldn't hesitate use the pieces and parts of any combination of these techniques that best suites your needs.

Dilbert on Agile

Monday, November 26th, 2007

In this mornings paper:

Dilbert on Agile


Understanding Software Defects

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

We tend to focus a lot of attention on tools and methodologies for improving software quality. I thought it would be worth while taking a step back to try to understand what the root causes of software defects are. Fortunately there has been decades of research that have analyzed the most common sources of software defects.

After also looking at some related development sins, I'll summarize what this new understanding means to me as a software developer.

An often sited article in IEEE Computer is Software Defect Reduction Top-10 List (Vol. 34, Issue 1, January 2001, 135-137) . Here's a summary (from Software Engineering: Barry W. Boehm's Lifetime Contributions to Software Development, Management, and Research):

  1. Developers take 100 times less effort to find and fix a problem than one reported by a customer.
  2. Half of software project work is wasted on unnecessary rework.
  3. Twenty percent of the defects account for 80% of the rework.
  4. Twenty percent of modules account for 80% of the defects and half the modules have no defects.
  5. Ninety percent of the downtime comes from 10% of the defects.
  6. Peer reviews catch 60% of the defects.
  7. Directed reviews are 35% more effective than nondirected ones.
  8. Discipline can reduce defects by 75%.
  9. High-dependability modules cost twice as much to produce as low-dependability ones.
  10. Half of all user programs contain nontrivial defects.

This list is based on empirical research and is a good starting point for understanding how to avoid predictable pitfalls in the software development process.

A broader perspective is provided by Pursue Better Software, Not Absolution for Defective Products -- Avoiding the "Four Deadly Sins of Software Development" Is a Good Start. Here are the four deadly sins:

The First Deadly Sin: Sloth -- Who Needs Discipline?

The Second Deadly Sin: Complacency -- The World Will Cooperate with My Expectations.

The Third Deadly Sin: Meagerness -- Who Needs an Architecture?

The Fourth Deadly Sin: Ignorance -- What I Don’t Know Doesn’t Matter.

The SEI article concludes:

We believe that the practice of software engineering is sufficiently mature to enable the routine production of near-zero-defect software.

🙂 How can you not smile (or even LOL) at that statement? Despite that, I like the reduction of the problem into its most basic elements: human shortcomings. That's why the conclusion is so preposterous -- software development is a human activity, and a complex one at that. You're trying to produce a high quality software solution that meets customer expectations, which is a difficult thing to do.

Another list of software development sins can be found in The 7 Deadly Sins of Software Development.
#1 - Overengineering (in complexity and/or performance)
#2 - Not considering the code's readership
#3 - Assuming your code works
#4 - Using the wrong tool for the job
#5 - Excessive code pride
#6 - Failing to acknowledge weaknesses
#7 - Speaking with an accent (naming conventions)

There are some tool/language specific items here, but this list generally follows the same trend of discovering typical developer shortcomings that can be avoided.

Another source of software defects is poor project planning. More sins (deadly again) can be found in the Steve McConnell article: Nine Deadly Sins of Project Planning.

It's pretty easy to see from these categorizations where a lot of the software development and management techniques, tools, and practices came from. As you might have expected, many are focused on human behavior and communication as a key component for improving software quality. For example, take the Agile Manifesto:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

This vision is very telling about what the manifesto writers considered to be a primary cause of software defects.

Another perspective is Fred Brooks' famous 1986 'No Silver Bullet' paper (also see here) that distinguishes "accidental" repetitive tasks from "essential" tasks. From the article:

There is no single development, in either technology or in management technique, that by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.

Even after twenty years of significant progress in software engineering, I believe that this is still a true statement.


There are many complex factors that contribute to software defects. There is clearly no one-size-fits-all solution. As a developer, this means that I have to:

  1. Be aware of my own shortcomings and biases.
  2. Continually try to improve my development, communication, and management skills.
  3. Understand how each new tool or methodology that claims to improve software quality fits into the bigger picture of what I (both personally and as an organization) am trying to accomplish.

Medical Device Software Development – Going Agile

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

I've been involved in some informal discussions regarding the use of Agile methodologies for medical device software. The Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD&DI) October 2007 article by Tim Bosch entitled Medical Device Software Development—Going Agile provides a good overview of the challenges that face medical device design and development organizations that want to embrace Agile. Here's Figure 2 from the article:

A typical agile development process

I liked the organization 'rejection, force fitting, or abandonment' analysis. Changing organizational behavior is a difficult thing to do. Add in the documentation requirements and you can see why adopting Agile is an uphill battle. This is especially true for an organization that already has a history of doing software development the old fashioned way.

On the regulatory side, Tim references General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff and claims that:

An agile development approach aligns well with this guidance.

I'm not so sure about that. As I've pointed out before, because of the validation requirements those guidelines are much better suited for the Waterfall development approach. That's why most people do it that way. Agile can be applied, but it comes with increased cost and potential regulatory risk.

I think the advantages of Agile methodologies are real and application of them does have the potential to improve the functionality, cost effectiveness, and quality of medical device software. It's good to see articles that detail the issues and provide a realistic strategy for achieving those goals.

Update: Agile development in a FDA regulated setting

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

I contacted Frank Jacquette regarding my previous port on this subject (Agile development in a FDA regulated setting). His experience using Agile methodologies for pure software medical device projects does not correspond with my conclusion regarding cost effectiveness and regulatory risks. Frank said:

It has been a long while since I wrote that article, but we've applied the same approach to some fairly significant systems and they've all come in on time and within budget.

He does agree that the regulatory risk is a legitimate concern, but their experience with clients and regulators has always been positive.

I want to thank Frank for so graciously responding to my inquiry.

He also pointed me to a presentation called Integrating lightweight software processes into a regulated environment (warning: PDF) by Adrian Barnes that I had not seen before. This is a far more detailed look at possible solutions for bridging the gap between "Agile Processes" and "Formal Processes". The subject progression and graphics are very well done. It's worth a careful look-through. I'll let you be the judge, but I think Adrian's conclusions have the same level of skepticism as mine. I broadly addressed cost effectiveness whereas he specifically deals with risk factors for his bridge solution. He has even less faith on the regulatory risk side: "A brave man would try to convince the FDA that Agile is OK".

It's always good to have multiple points-of-view on a subject.