Med Dev
- Top medtech conferences in 2024 (Susan Kelly)
- 510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions (Robert Packard)
- Would generative AI have made me a better software architect? Probably. (Richard Seroter)
"But the role of the architect is evolving, and generative AI can give architects new ways. to create, assess, and communicate."
- Gall’s law and how it applies to software architecture (Bart Wullems)
"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked."
- Unpopular Opinion: It’s harder than ever to be a good software engineer (Juraj Malenica)
Reddit discussion:
- A Message from Prashanth Chandrasekar, CEO Stack Overflow (Prashanth Chandrasekar)
"...reduce the company’s headcount by approximately 28%" Ouch!