The Health 2.0 movement (also see here) is a comprehensive approach to many of the EMR/PHR topics I've discussed in the past. Scott Shreeve, MD (there are many good posts on his blog) proposes what he calls the "Triple-A of Health 2.0" approach (also see the overviews here and here):
I like Dr. Shreeve's Health 2.0 Business Model analysis in that it clearly defines corporate motivations in this marketplace. It's hard not to like the Aggregate concepts of Prostitution, Voyeurism, and Fetishes.
How is value going to be derived and payed for? Put into this Health 2.0 business model context at least you can begin to ask the right questions.
What Health 2.0 makes clear is the complexity of the issues that need to be resolved and that there's a long road ahead.
UPDATE (15-Nov-2007) :
A new Health 2.0 site: Health 2.0 Blog
As an entrepreneur in the field of health/medical 2.0 we developed an aggregation platform for health 2.0 tools
You as your readers can be interested in those platforms.
You can also analyze others SU strategies in this field
Enjoy and share with us your knowledge.
Uri Ginzburg MD,MBA
Forgot to share with you the link to the Medical 2.0 directory, so here it is now :
Great post. I started storing my personal health records earlier this year with Zebra Health ( I love the concept of consumers / patients taking control of their health care decisions, and like the approach that Zebra Health is taking. I strongly suggest that more people start taking control of their own health now. The health care industry as we know it will be completely different in 10 years, and it would be wise for people to get into the practice of taking charge for themselves.