I guess I didn't get the memo.
Here's the first couple of sentences from this post:
Several drops ago we introduced a ViewModel composition spike. The purpose of this spike was to introduce...
I don't know why, but this terminology caught me by surprise. My interpretations are:
- Drop: a software release.
- Spike: a quickly written new or enhanced feature used as a proof of concept (e.g. see here)
Drops are sometimes used in CodePlex-P&P projects and spikes are often referenced in the ALT.NET discussion group (searched for here).
Anyway, I like the sound of these. They're succinct and to the point. I foresee them becoming a common part of the developer's lexicon.
UPDATE: OK, so I'm not an Agile developer. In particular, I have not experience with XP (Extreme Programming), which defines a 'Spike': Create a Spike Solution