A .NET code sample: Real-time data streaming and control.

This is a follow-up to the Developing a real-time data flow and control model with WCF post. My original plan was to write a full-fledged article on this. I've gotten some requests for the code, but it does not appear that I'm going to have time to complete the article in the near future. So I thought I'd just give a brief description here of what I've done so far and provide the code as is.

Please Note: The description provided is very brief and only meant as an overview. None of the implementation details are included here. It's not a very complicated project. If you have some VS2005 development experience and are willing to dig into the code, you shouldn't have a problem figuring it all out. Working through this code would provide a good first tutorial on developing with WCF. Some set-up is required (service installation) and is described below.


I originally conceived of this project because of some questions I'd heard from real-time C/C++ developers. They wanted to know about migrating from MFC/VC++ to .NET managed code. The primary concern was about the use of legacy device level code and how to manage future mixed development projects.

So my first thought was to demonstrate how easy straight forward it is to incorporate COM components into managed code with .NET wrappers. There are already many good articles on integrating old Win32 projects into .NET. e.g. Do you COM? Dealing with Legacy Projects. This project is a concrete example of how that can be done.

It also illustrates a model of the type of real-time data streaming and control typically required by a physiological monitor.

To extend that model, I wanted to show how WCF could be used as a network transport for that same data stream. Hence the previous post. The addition of a WCF client application that provided a real-time display of the data stream was only logical.

There are a number of directions that I had planned on taking this project, but that will have to wait for another day. I'm sure that you'll come up with your own ideas along with numerous improvements.

The Code:

The download (below) is a Visual Studio 2005 solution, called RealTimeTemplate, with 6 projects (one is C++, all the rest are C#). Here is a diagram of the projects and their relationship. The horizontal arrows show the data flow as described above.

Real-time Template Components

The projects are:

  • SineWaveGenerator: This is a C++ COM component that generates buffers of multi-channel sine waves.
  • SineWaveGenerator.Test: The NUnit test functions for SineWaveGenerator
  • SineWaveWCFLib: This is the WCF server component.
  • SineWaveWCFServer: This the Windows service that hosts the WCF service (SineWaveWCFLib).
  • SineWaveWCFService.Test: The NUnit tests functions for SineWaveWCFService.
  • RealTimeDisplayWinForm: This is the Windows Form class, and WCF client, that controls and displays the sine wave data provided by the service. The graphical display is done using the ZedGraph library.

Here is what the Windows Form looks like when the application is running.

Real-time Template WinForm

Service Installation:

In order to run the sine wave display application, you'll first have to install and start the SineWaveWCFService.

  1. Build the solution in Debug configuration.
  2. Execute the InstallSineWaveWCFService.bat in SineWaveWCFService\bin\Debug. The service can be un-installed with the UninstallSineWaveWCFService.bat script.
  3. Run the Windows Services Manager (services.msc) and Start SineWaveWCFService.
  4. Run the RealTimeDisplayWinForm project. Use the Add button to add sine wave displays.

The source code can be downloaded here:

RealTimeTemplate_20070923.zip (210K)


Posted in .NET, GUI, WCF | 3 Comments

The EMR-Medical Devices Mess

Tim Gee's EMR Connectivity for Medical Devices Is a Mess post is right on target. I've also expressed my opinion ("total chaos") on this, but as you'll see I'm coming from a different perspective.

The HealthLeaders Technology article primarily focuses on the challenges of interfacing medical devices in the hospital environment. I think the situation in a physician's private practice or small group office is even worse.

The needs for medical device connectivity in both environments are essentially the same:

  • Reduction in medical errors.
  • Decrease in paperwork.
  • Increased staff productivity.
  • Timely delivery of clinical results.

Hospitals have the advantage of working with big EMR vendors who in turn can provide connectivity solutions for a larger variety of medical devices. Also, large hospital chains have enough clout to be able to mandate performance criteria from their vendors that include interoperability.

The typical physician's office uses a smaller EMR provider (or even worse, a 'home brew' system) where in many cases connectivity with external devices is an afterthought, if it exists at all. Even when you work with mid-sized EMR companies, each has their own proprietary external data interface. Very few of these smaller stand-alone EMR management systems provide standard interfaces (e.g. HL7) for external device data capture.

The interoperability problem is not a technical one. The issue is the time and resources it takes to implement and validate a given medical device interface. The real hope of a MD PnP-like solution is that the cost of that interface can be significantly reduced.

So, here's my perspective. As a medical device manufacturer, when we take our device into a private practice physician that has an existing (or planned) EMR system the first requirement is pretty much always the same. It's simply that the diagnostic results from our device automatically appear in a patient's record in their EMR system. To make this happen, they have to choose between three possibilities:

  1. Pay the medical device manufacturer (us) to interface with their EMR system.
  2. Pay their EMR vendor to do the interface.
  3. Find a third party vendor or contractor that will provide or build the custom interface.

The problem with #1 is that we don't have the resources to build each unique interface required to satisfy all of our customers. Plus that, our business is building medical devices, not EMR solutions.

#2 might not work out because unless the EMR company has a lot of customers with our devices they will either charge a large custom engineering fee or may just say they won't do it at all. The third option is doable, but is also potentially costly.

Notice that all of the choices require additional investment by the physician. I wonder if these types of issues may be one of the contributing factors for the low adoption rate of EMR for office-based physicians.

Not being able to provide cost-effective EMR integration is bad for everyone involved. It's bad for a medical device manufacturer (like us) because it makes it that much harder to sell systems. It's bad for the physician's office because without EMR integration they'll end up with a less effective paper-based solution. It's also bad for the EMR companies because they won't be able to take advantage of the future opportunities that a fully integrated medical office would provide.

The reasons may be different, but my conclusion about EMR connectivity with medical devices is the same as Tim's: “It’s a mess.”

UPDATE (7/21/08): Ran across this MIT Technology Review post about the MD PnP program:
"Plug and Play" Hospitals (Medical devices that exchange data could make hospitals safer).

Posted in EMR, Interoperability, Medical Devices | 7 Comments

Personally Controlled Health Record

Following my EMR-Facebook brainstorming post I ran across the IndivoHealth project (via WSJ-Health Blog). The announcement is that a consortium of large companies, Dossia, would be extending the Indivo open source core. Indivo has implemented the paradigm shift that I discussed.

The Indivo system is essentially an inversion of the current approach to medical records, in that the record resides with the patients and the patients grant permissions to institutions, clinicians, researchers, and other users of medical information. Indivo is a distributed, web-based, personally controlled electronic medical record system that is ubiquitously accessible to the nomadic user, built to public standards, and available under an open-source license.

Very cool. I guess I wasn't the first to think of this! 🙂

Posted in EMR, Open Source, PHR | 1 Comment

More on using a Named Mutex in Vista

This is a follow-up to the Kernel Object Namespace and Vista post. Those previous findings were made using an administrative user in Vista. When I tried creating a 'Session\AppName' Mutex as a non-administrative user though, the application hung!

Just to be clear, here is how (simplified) I'm creating the Mutex:

The hang occurs when the Mutex is created. By hang I mean that the process just spins its wheels sucking 50-60% of the CPU and will continue until it's killed. Based on WinDbg analysis it's either stuck in the underlaying Win32 CreateMutex() call or CreateMutex() is being called repeatedly. It's probably the later.

When 'Local\' or 'Global\' are used, the Mutex is created fine! As noted before, 'Local\' doesn't work for other reasons so I'm stuck using the 'Global\' namespace. Go figure?

Posted in .NET, Vista | 2 Comments

A new model for EMR software: Facebook?

There's an article in the October The Atlantic Monthly entitled About Facebook (subscription required) by Michael Hirschorn. His contention is that Facebook is currently the site that "comes closest to fulfilling the promise of social media." As I read though the description of what that means -- the way you qualify friends, the ability to track others and their interaction with others, and the restrictions you can put in place on what others can see about you, the groups you join, etc. -- it made me think of the implementation of EMR systems. The primary components that Facebook has tackled are work flow and interoperability (I've touched a little on this before).

Maybe the Facebook model could point the way to better EMR solutions. As I started to look around I found that others are thinking the same way.

The first question is how are the requirements for an EMR system solved though the functionality provided by a social network?

  1. Patient-centric: I think a huge missing piece in today's EMR systems is patient interaction. Most are only concerned with data presentation, record management, and billing functions for the physician. Except for a few limited read-only web portals, the patient does not have the ability to add content or even interact with their own medical record. An important paradigm shift would be that the physician would seek out and gain permission to access the patients private medical account, not the other way around.
  2. Patient-Doctor interaction: By not allowing the patient to have interactive control over their health information you are also limiting their ability to interact with their physician(s). Also, if multiple physicians were able to have a common platform for patient consultations it would save time, confusion, and duplication. Patients and their doctors can be thought of as a group of friends that need to interact in a unique way.
  3. Multi-media: If teenagers can share music and video, why can't patients and doctors share symptoms and test results just as easily? Also, the improved Web 2.0 interactivity holds a lot of promise for innovations in the presentation of medical data (e.g. Silverlight comes to mind).
  4. Security: Nothing is perfect, but I think the Web has already proven itself secure. Think about the number of Web sites where you've left your credit card number, let alone if you're like me you do all of your banking on-line. HIPAA standards can most certainly be met with current Web technology.

As the article points out:

In Facebook's vision of the Web, you, the user, are in control of your persona.

The same should be said for your personal health information.

In addition to providing work flow restrictions, Facebook also allows developers to create custom applications though the use of the Facebook Platform. By doing so, it has created a well-defined sandbox in which to create user defined content. MySpace will also be following suite in this regard.

It's the "walled garden" that opens the door to interoperability. This strategy is considered flawed by some (quoted in the article), but is perfect for EMR purposes. Within the confines of these APIs any medical record content provider would be able to share their data inside the sandbox. The real value is the content of the data, not the mechanism that allows access into the environment.

I know there are many other issues that need to be dealt with when considering EMR functionality. However, when thinking about the popularity and ease-of-use of these social networking sites it's hard not to see them as a possible model for improving health information flow.

Posted in EMR, PHR | 7 Comments

Mind Reading Software

I spent quite a few years developing diagnostic Electroencephalography (EEG) systems and software. I always get a kick out of articles with titles like this one: Microsoft Working On Mind-Reading Software. It's the mind-reading part that gets me because your first impression is that Microsoft is developing technology that will allow it to somehow detect what you're thinking. This, of course, will not be happening in the near or foreseeable future.

The work that Microsoft Research is doing in this area (see here) is fundamental research on the Human-Computer Interface (HCI). The Using a Low-Cost EEG for Task Classification in HCI Research article uses standard frequency domain EEG features (delta, theta, alpha, etc.) as classifiers in a Bayesian Network for differentiating three mental tasks. What was interesting to me was that they recognized the limitations of using EEG technology alone as a human-computer interface. The understanding and use of other physiological data (e.g. motor activity) along with EEG will have to be explored as a way to improve task detection.

Not only is this type of work important for meeting the needs of the physically disabled, as the Wii and Surface have shown, innovative HCI systems can have a dramatic affect on how we all interact with computers.

'Thought-reading' system controls wheelchair and synthesizes speech is another one. The system processes larynx nerve signals for speech synthesis and wheelchair control. The technology looks very cool and has the potential to improve the lives of handicapped individuals. I suppose you could consider motor neuron activity as the output of thought, but 'thought-reading' just feels like a misnomer. Maybe it's just me.

Another 'mind-reading' technique is the use of Evoked Potentials (EP). One that got a lot of press is a few years back was Brain Fingerprinting (also see here). I'm sure there's still on-going research in the P300 area, but nothing has grabbed much attention since.

Also, checkout Computers can read your mind. Amazing!


I found some companies that appear to be trying to use EEG processing algorithms for HCI. Both are focused on the gaming industry. They provide no details on how their products work, so it's hard not to be skeptical about their functionality claims.



Also, Smart BrainGames provides more classical biofeedback development systems. All are mentioned here.


Here's another interesting technology: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an emerging non-invasive, lightweight imaging tool which can measure blood oxygenation levels in the brain. Check out the article here.

UPDATE-3 (15-Oct-2007):

Here's the Microsoft patent application: Using electroencephalograph signals for task classification and activity recognition (via here).

UPDATE-4 (13-Nov-2007):

Check out Brain2Robot Project which uses EEG signal processing (my highlighting):

Highly efficient algorithms analyze these signals using a self-learning technique. The software is capable of detecting changes in brain activity that take place even before a movement is carried out. It can recognize and distinguish between the patterns of signals that correspond to an intention to raise the left or right hand, and extract them from the pulses being fired by millions of other neurons in the brain. These neural signal patterns are then converted into control instructions for the computer.

If they can do this reliably, that's quite an accomplishment.

Posted in EEG, HCI, Medical Devices, Microsoft | 8 Comments

Coffee: The New Health Food?

I get a lot of grief about my coffee drinking habits. Apparently, it is quite noticeable that I consume large quantities of coffee. People inevitably ask me what would happen if I didn't get my daily fix. Would I have severe headaches? Would I go psychotic? Would I pass out at my desk? I suppose any of those things could happen, but I'm not about to find out, and here's why:

Coffee: The New Health Food?

So there! 🙂

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2007 Ultimate Developer And Power Users Tool List For Windows

If you do any Windows development work and haven't seen it yet, this list is a must have:

Scott Hanselman's 2007 Ultimate Developer And Power Users Tool List For Windows

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Software Defects and the FDA

I ran across this post: Why Making Software Companies Liable Will Not Improve Security. It's a rather long piece that discusses the liability of software makers for security breaches. In the middle of the article he talks about his experience working on FDA regulated medical device software. I think his depiction is a little harsh, but probably not that far off depending on the environment you're working in. The conclusion from his FDA experience is:

In short, I believe that any attempt to impose quality on software by inspection and rule books is doomed to failure.

I would say that there are no single set of rules that can ensure software quality (that's not quite 'doomed to failure', but may be close). I think the FDA "rule book" (as I briefly describe here) is a full product life cycle quality system that generally meets its intended purpose. It doesn't ensure that all medical device software is free from defect. Far from it. The regulations simply provide the FDA with a means for determining what the product requirements and design were and how well it was actually tested. It's up to the regulators to use that information for deciding whether a product meets their quality standards.

On a side note, the post talked about how in 1997 50% of FDA device recalls were due to design defects. The article Failure Modes in Medical Device Software analyzes software-only FDA recalls from 1983-1997 and is a good read on the breakdown of software defects. According to that article, only about 10% of the total FDA recalls (1994-1996) were software related. It would be interesting to know how that number has changed since.

Posted in FDA, Software Quality | Leave a comment

Kernel Object Namespace and Vista

Just a quick development note:

According to Kernel Object Namespaces objects can have one of three predefined prefixes -- 'Local\', 'Global\', or 'Session\'. For Win2K/XP I've always used the 'Local\' prefix, which works fine. My primary use is with a Mutex to determine that a single instance of an application is running (like here). I also use the Mutex from a system service to discover if a GUI application is available for messaging. When trying to run the some code on Vista I found that the 'Local\' namespace does not work when Mutex.OpenExisting() is called from a the system service which is owned by a different user (from the same user, it works fine). So it appears that the 'Local\' prefix in Vista has a different behavior for the client session namespace than it does in Win2K/XP.

I searched around for a solution, but was unable to find a definitive answer. I did find a post about the Private Object Namespace which alludes to Vista kernel changes, but that's all. Here's what I determined empirically:


The NO entries in the table mean that the namespace did not work. So, it appears that in order to support all three Windows versions I'd have to use the 'Global\' namespace. This is not a good solution. Unless I find another way, I'll have to determine the OS version and select the appropriate namespace at runtime ('Session\' for Vista, 'Local\' for Win2K/XP).

Posted in .NET, GUI, Vista | 3 Comments